総合インデックス I to M:
詩人 | 作品 | gallery |
Ingelow, Jean | The High Tide on the Coast of Lincolnshire, 1571 | Cooke-2 |
Ingelow, Jean | The High Tide on the Coast of Lincolnshire, 1571 | Smith-1 |
Joyce, R. D. | Kilbrannon | Cooke-2 |
Keats, John | La Belle Dame sans Merci | Cooke-1 |
Keats, John | La Belle Dame sans Merci | Smith-1 |
Keegan, J. | Caoch, the Piper | Cooke-2 |
Kenealy, Ed. | Love's Warning | Cooke-2 |
Kingsley, Charles | The Sands of Dee | Cooke-1 |
Kingsley, Charles | The Red King | Smith-2 |
Kingsley-2, Charles | The Sands of Dee | Smith-2 |
Kipling, Rudyard | The Fall of Jock Gillespie | Cooke-2 |
Kipling-2, Rudyard | Soldier, Soldier | Cooke-2 |
Knox, Isa Craig | The Ballad of the Brides of Quair | Cooke-2 |
Landon, Letitia Elizabeth | The Troubadour | Smith-2 |
Lewis, Matthew Gregory | Sir Agilthorn | Hall |
Leyden, John | Lord Soulis | Hall |
Leyden-2, John | The Mermaid | Hall |
Lindsay, Lady Anne | Auld Robin Grey | Hall |
Lover, Samuel | Molly Carew | Smith-2 |
Macaulay, Thomas B. | The Armada | Smith-1 |
Macaulay-2, Thomas B. | An Election Ballad | Smith-1 |
Macaulay, Thomas B. | The Battle of Naseby | Smith-2 |
Macdonald, George | Legend of Corrievrechan | Smith-2 |
Manson, James B. | Robert the Bruce | Smith-2 |
Manson-2, James B. | Sir Guido | Smith-2 |
Massey, Gerald | Sir Richard Grenville’s Last Fight | Smith-2 |
Meredith, George | Beauty Rohtraut | Smith-1 |
M'Gee, T. D. | Randall M'Donald | Cooke-2 |
Mickle, William J. | Hengist and Mey | Hall |
Mickle, William J. | Cumnor Hall | Smith-1 |
Moore, Thomas | The Return of O'Ruark | Smith-2 |
Morris, William | Riding Together | Smith-2 |
Motherwell, William | Elfinland Wud | Hall |
Motherwell, William | The Master of Weemys | Smith-2 |